Friday 17 February 2012

ROBLOX Game Conference 2012 Tickets on Sale
By ROBLOX - February 17, 2012

Santa Clara Convention Center
Date: Saturday July 14, 2012
Conference Pass: $40 per person
10×10 Booth: $150
10×20 Display/Hangout Booth: $300

Last year’s ROBLOX Game Conference –ROBLOX Rally 2011 – had one thousand attendees. This year’s event will be similar in format to ROBLOX Rally 2011, with more of everything that was great – more demos, more computers, more learning, more ROBLOX.

We are offering booth rental this year for use by vendors, exhibitors and ROBLOX groups. Options include 10×10 or 10×20 feet, complete with tables and chairs. You can reserve a booth via the registration form.

Vendor, Exhibitor and Group Booths
Booths will provide digital artists, group, and vendors with a great opportunity for exposure. ROBLOX groups can use booths as a central meetup location and place to recruit. Digital artists can use booths to show and market their content. Bring your own banners, posters and handouts.

Renting a booth grants early 7:00 am access to the conference center for two conference pass holders for booth setup. Conference entry is not included in the booth price. Items may be sold at the booth but they must be ROBLOX related and pre-approved by ROBLOX before the event.

The Conference will be held on Saturday July 14, 2012 at the Santa Clara Convention Center, conveniently located near dozens of hotels and next to the themed amusement park Great America. Santa Clara, California is located in Silicon Valley, 10 minutes away from the San Jose International Airport. It’s about a 50 minute drive from San Francisco, and 90 minutes from the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

The agenda will include a ROBLOX game development track, along with a gameplay/tech track for players. Like last year, we will have demos of many major upcoming features. Watch for updates and posting of the agenda in the next few weeks.

-I really think ROBLOX should have made the convention in New York. Because, really what there doing is only letting people in California go. Like, kids in Canada or farther parts of the US, aren't going to go all the way to California just for a convention for a child's online game.

-Owner, Shaz55. 

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